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Atom editor with its Haskell IDE plugin works like a charm. It has REPL and all other inspection stuff you need out of box. What other feature you would need is an unknown unknown to me.

An Atom plugin that actually worked after at most 3 days of effort trying to get it to work would have been nice.

If you have ghc and stack installed, this plugin will automatically recognize a project bootstrapped with stack and decorate Atom with IDE like widgets, without requiring a configuration. It can take a few minutes to make it work if your bash_profile doesn't do unexpected stuff on the PATH variable.

Thanks for the tip!

I've been using ghcide on Vscode, and it keeps crashing and sometimes just simply freezing. What's more, I can't get multi-component support to work, meaning I have no IDE support for any test files, need to write them blind. No REPL that I know of either.

I tried hie before, it crashed even far more often and the type inference sometimes took a very long time to come up with hints.

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