>- Enter a word in the search bar and usually Siri will show you the exact website and just select it to go there. Other browsers will take you to search page first then you select the first result to go there
Huh? That's exactly what Firefox's "Awesome Bar" does.
Not really. Say I type in “Ikea” into Safari address bar and I have never visited Ikea.com nor is it in my bookmarks; the first option is “Siri suggestions... Ikea.com”. Either click on it or down+enter to go directly to Ikea.com
With Firefox, with the same starting conditions, there is no way to directly go to ikea.com by just typing in Ikea. If there is no history or bookmark then it will take you to a search for Ikea instead
In Firefox ctrl+enter prepends www. and appends .com to whatever word you’ve typed in the address bar, then loads it. So for www.ikea.com, just type ikea then press ctrl+enter.
That was just a simple example. The safari implementation is better, I type in “price” and it expands that to “Priceline.com”; just press enter to go directly there, otherwise either keep typing to narrow or down arrow and enter to search
I use Duckduckgo for search and when I enter anything in the address bar and append !, then I am automatically redirected to the first result of the search. Works perfectly in Firefox.
Huh? That's exactly what Firefox's "Awesome Bar" does.