>>For example, you can feed a neural net all the recipes of burgers to create a perfect burger. Great. But how does the same net invent the burger?
Wait....but it just....did? It took the information about all possible burger recipes and invented a new one out of these. Like, a human could only invent a new burger if they knew anything about burgers in the first place, at the very least that it's a bun with some filling in between, otherwise you'd have no context to invent anything.
Not OP, but I think they're not talking about inventing a _new_ burger, but inventing _the_ burger, as in the first one ever.
As in, the neural net in this example is able to improvise a new burger recipe solely because it was given existing recipes to burgers as input; it did not come up with the notion of a burger and then produce a recipe that outputs something fulfilling that notion when followed.
Personally, I would argue that this distinction is not as clear-cut as the tone of the original comment seems to suggest. Humans didn't invent the burger from nothing either. We've been grilling meat and making bread for millennia, and sandwiches have been a thing for over a century.
A 'burger' is just another iteration of our biological neural nets' attempts to make food from ingredients already present in our physical reality. Given that we flow in a single direction through time, any food we make is in turn added to our list of ingredients for making food "the next time". One could argue it is only a matter of time once meat can be ground into patties and grains turned into bread that burgers start being made - given the relative benefits humans gain from consuming both.
This comes back to what others have expressed elsewhere in this thread, that the probable [most] important distinctions aren't between software vs hardware, or organic life vs silicon processors, but the environment & capacity to interact with said environment. Some sense of "innate tendency to experiment" (i.e. curiosity) is probably either equal in importance or a direct runner-up.
The burger was invented because a hungry traveler walked into a restaurant in Connecticut that was closing, and the owner had nothing but some beef and bread left. So he improvised - cooked the beef patty and squeezed it between two bread slices.
To this day they serve their burgers between two bread slices - not buns.
If you want to look it up, it's called LOUIS’ LUNCH.
Wait....but it just....did? It took the information about all possible burger recipes and invented a new one out of these. Like, a human could only invent a new burger if they knew anything about burgers in the first place, at the very least that it's a bun with some filling in between, otherwise you'd have no context to invent anything.