i'm all for people’s budgets over police-oriented budgets. yesterday's take two† had councilman mike bonin talking about LA's budget, also calling out the increases in police budget relative to cuts in services that could soften the economic devastation we've seen this year.
incidentally, the covid response (lockdowns, fear-driven justifications, selective enforcement) and the protest response (needless curfews, calling in the national guard, selective protection) has really revealed LA mayor garcetti's weakness as a leader, someone who runs to use of force at the slightest provocation. with such authoritarian tendencies, he needs to exit stage left.
incidentally, the covid response (lockdowns, fear-driven justifications, selective enforcement) and the protest response (needless curfews, calling in the national guard, selective protection) has really revealed LA mayor garcetti's weakness as a leader, someone who runs to use of force at the slightest provocation. with such authoritarian tendencies, he needs to exit stage left.
† https://www.scpr.org/programs/take-two/2020/06/03/20895/