The Zoom release notes are a bit misleading. They didn't enable all virtual cameras, but instead a very specific list of virtual cameras. Here's how you can see that list
strings /Applications/ | grep "Developer ID Application"
I wouldn't fault Zoom for being restrictive about what they include in their allow list, since every addition adds risk, but it looks like they've already included closed-source applications from individuals as of 5.0.5. At least my code is open source and auditable!
Doing that grep interestingly includes "Developer ID Application: NewTek, Inc. (W8U66ET244)", which may match the other comment thread[1] talking about NewTek's NDI Virtual Input (note: the top comment there mistyped "NewTek" as "MediaTek"). So using the NDI solution may work with Zoom without editing entitlements.
strings /Applications/ | grep "Developer ID Application"
A number of folks have reached out to Zoom support to request that my plugin be added. See the latest in for details.
I wouldn't fault Zoom for being restrictive about what they include in their allow list, since every addition adds risk, but it looks like they've already included closed-source applications from individuals as of 5.0.5. At least my code is open source and auditable!