luring people to invite them as per clickbait methods, using obfusication so they are accidentally invited, straight up blackhat hacking to manipulate the system, early on the public meetings were getting bombed by flashers
these types are handled by identifying and outing them, or chasing them away, internet has to go beyond the "your ip number is" thing and demonstrate that there is a real knowledge of who they are, and that they are bothering people and it isnt going unnoticed.
Even if identifying dickflashers is their primary concern, situation can be helped by improving security, not decreasing it. Non-guessable meeting IDs, passwords, maybe unique invite links so it's possible for meeting orgs to identify who invited the flasher.
If someone sends clickbait invites to abusive meeting, then victims can trivially report it, possibly with screenshots.
these types are handled by identifying and outing them, or chasing them away, internet has to go beyond the "your ip number is" thing and demonstrate that there is a real knowledge of who they are, and that they are bothering people and it isnt going unnoticed.