I don't have any idea where the truth lies, here, but it's worth pulling the whole paragraph:
But according to Matt Asay, who is vice president of business development for mobile Web framework maker Strobe, Apple supposedly has no plans to fix them. Instead, they are marked "not to be fixed by exec order," suggesting that a higher up at Apple is preventing engineers from fixing the problems.
"Supposedly" and "suggested" let Ars weasel out of determining the truth of these assertions. Unless Apple has suddenly turned absurdly transparent, I have a hard time believing that this guy actually has any inside knowledge. On the other hand, he certainly has an incentive to bring pressure on Apple to make his business work better.
AFAIK strobe is made up mostly of ex-apple people - furthermore, they knew about the "bugs" at least a month ago - Charles Jolley was talking about them at the most recent sproutcore nyc meetup. I don't think it's unreasonable to believe the truth of these assertions.
But according to Matt Asay, who is vice president of business development for mobile Web framework maker Strobe, Apple supposedly has no plans to fix them. Instead, they are marked "not to be fixed by exec order," suggesting that a higher up at Apple is preventing engineers from fixing the problems.
"Supposedly" and "suggested" let Ars weasel out of determining the truth of these assertions. Unless Apple has suddenly turned absurdly transparent, I have a hard time believing that this guy actually has any inside knowledge. On the other hand, he certainly has an incentive to bring pressure on Apple to make his business work better.