Metrics didn't work for me other than a binary, honest assessment of whether or not I worked on a particular day 'in good faith'. I treat it as a negotiation between my present and future selves. When you resolve to do something in the future, you are telling your future self that you know better than they do. This often fails for people because you have a much better understanding of your intent and reasons when you make the decision than when it is time to act. To counter this I decided to strengthen my 'resolve', which I define as the strength of my decisions. If my decisions are strong, they are much more easily recalled and felt when it is time to act.
In my experience there has to be a balance though. I can't always live by the decisions I have made in the past. I have to have some time each week where I live purely in the moment, with no prior plans guiding my actions. This way my future self doesn't begin to resent my past self.
At first it is odd to reason about yourself as different people at different times, but now I find it odd I ever thought to project an unchanging version of my present self into the future, as if time was not a factor to be considered.
In my experience there has to be a balance though. I can't always live by the decisions I have made in the past. I have to have some time each week where I live purely in the moment, with no prior plans guiding my actions. This way my future self doesn't begin to resent my past self.
At first it is odd to reason about yourself as different people at different times, but now I find it odd I ever thought to project an unchanging version of my present self into the future, as if time was not a factor to be considered.