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>arresting a reporter on live camera.

It's possible that they didn't know it was a live broadcast.

I'm not sure what your point is. Is it that it's okay to arrest them if they're not live? (Not attacking you--just hard to understand intention through text)

It really seems like their intention was to cook up charges, then realized they screwed the pooch and pretended it's all okay because now they're free. It's not. The intimidation has lasting effects and they know it.

> I'm not sure what your point is. Is it that it's okay to arrest them if they're not live?

The point is that it's not even in the officers' own self-interest.

Neither is pushing your knee so hard into someone's neck that they choke to death. It still happened.

Why are you responding to me like I expressed some opinion that you disagree with? I was just providing clarifying context.

He was telling them they were live, I think he was reporting while being black.

There's a difference between being told something and knowing something.

Kinda like when someone says "I can't breathe" and you can't really know until they die.

Did you watch the video? He very clearly tells them "we are live on air".

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