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I believe Hasura is working towards being able to write Actions in SQL.

How are you surfacing RPCs from the database? That sounds interesting.

A key insight I've arrived at over past few months is GraphQL is most useful for multiple teams to have "one" API endpoint and they can then work on front end features without blocking each other, as well as write different clients (and therefore many different possible "queries") without having to constantly re-write the back-end API. In other words, ultimate flexibility on the front end when you don't know what queries you need and you need to divide work across teams/developers.

This comes at the cost of complexity of implementing a performant GraphQL server. Perhaps another instance of a thing that gets really popular because it's good for large corporations rather than being ideal for solo devs or small projects. Like NoSQL and other scalability optimizations vs sql etc. Hasura seems the best I've come across so far at making this easy/quick.

But in many situations, at least for my use-case and likely many others, simply writing well thought out SQL queries are both simple, easily iterated upon, require fewer layers, infrastructure, code etc. In the Hasura scenerio, custom SQL queries inevitably are needed anyways, Hasura mostly gets you the "crud" operations quickly.

If you construct your "screens" or "pages" of a Next.js web-app, for example, as collection of RPC's defined in SQL either requested through "/api" routes integrated with the framework, or even better (when possible) directly accessing your database calls [using raw sql of course] within component "getServerSideProps" and "getStaticProps" calls[0], there isn't really anything simpler in my view. No ORM, no Graphql.

By RPC, I simply mean a stored sql function, or view. Executing this is as simple as:

  // some api endpoint, which then queries database:

  await db('select pay_balance($1)', [leaseId]);
  return res.status(200).send("ok");
The stored function is written in SQL, not javascript http requests, and has full access to all the data in the database to implement transformations on this data.

Reading "The Art of Postgresql"[1] currently and a constant refrain is to push as much business logic into the database as possible. When you do this, you avoid so much complexity vs having this spread around in application code or cloud functions or microservices, etc. ACID, transactions, etc. all come with it.

[0] https://twitter.com/adamwathan/status/1246144545361997829 this uses a query builder, I wouldn't even do that. Just raw sql everywhere.

[1] https://theartofpostgresql.com/

The tagline: "Turn thousands of lines of code into simple queries" couldn't be more impactful in my thinking of late, and it's been extremely beneficial for making me more productive with simpler, less error prone code.

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