Probably an individual useless course doesn't harm the world too much. More recently, though, these are starting to pile up. A nearby college offers core credit for a course in "How to Watch TV".
Far more importantly, there are whole degree programs that are essentially bullshit. Someone with one of those degrees has no chance whatsoever to economically recover the cost of the program. Faculty won't tell them that because they need to justify their own existence. Graduates typically go on to jobs as embittered baristas or waiters, or perhaps proceed immediately to the dole.
We have "truth in lending" laws. There should also be laws disclosing the expected salaries (and college loan payoff durations) for bullshit degrees.
I imagined wearing Scuba suits and working on this dexterity challenge at 10+ ft depth, kind of like a NASA pool. Thought it sounded like fun. Underwater pumpkin carving is a thing and it's a hoot.
Funny this is mentioned, since 1995 I've called it Naked inverted underwater basketweaving 103B. The interdisciplinary course is Naked underwater laser rocket surgery 312. That one is right-side-up and fully-clothed, which makes a difference, I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Far more importantly, there are whole degree programs that are essentially bullshit. Someone with one of those degrees has no chance whatsoever to economically recover the cost of the program. Faculty won't tell them that because they need to justify their own existence. Graduates typically go on to jobs as embittered baristas or waiters, or perhaps proceed immediately to the dole.
We have "truth in lending" laws. There should also be laws disclosing the expected salaries (and college loan payoff durations) for bullshit degrees.