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> Since immutable values can't create cycles, no memory will be leaked.

this is not generally true. in a lazy language, you can certainly say:

    main = mdo
      y <- f x
      x <- g y
      return y
the requirement is simply that you don't inspect the value of x until later (f makes something, y, to use later; when you use y, it inspects x). x and y now have references to each other.

> in a lazy language, you can certainly say:

Not in haskell. Which language do you specifically have in mind?

Yes indeed in Haskell. You have enable RecursiveDo for that particular example to work. I'm not sure why ferzul chose a recursive monadic computation when

    let { x = 0:y; y = 0:x } in x
seems to demonstrate the same thing.

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