You act like information isn't constantly being curated in all forms of knowledge delivery. The same way we don't tolerate students attempting to derail professors in class with unfounded hypothesis or flawed logical arguments, Youtube doesn't have to tolerate the same on its platform.
There's a lot of difference between preventing a student shouting down a professor in class with some crap argument and the college telling the student they're not allowed to quietly discuss an "unfounded hypothesis" in some corner with another student.
The beauty (theoretically) of platforms like YouTube is that we can watch what we like and skip what we don't without harming any other user.
And as for qualifications, if an oncologist isn't qualified to have an opinion on COVID-19, YouTube sure as hell isn't.
What I love about comments like this is that "we" (the citizens) are demanding that websites filter out X, Y, and Z, and then at same time come back yelling at them when they do. Censorship and lack of censorship come at a cost and you have to be willing to pay one of them.