I originally made this as a complement to the URL Pages tool I made last summer, which stores an entire web page in its own URL.[0] Now, it is possible for URL Pages to be securely password-protected in a decentralized way.
Unlike other private bookmarking tools, this runs entirely in the browser, so it can't track users. Also, it only needs a static web host in order to run, minimizing the amount of infrastructure I have to maintain, which increases the likelihood it will still be running a decade from now.
Please note: I am a college student, not a security professional. There are certainly best-practices I am not aware of, and this is my first foray into using encryption. I have done my best to balance user experience and security, but am always looking for feedback!
Amazing tool! And of course by the same person who did urlpages! Just this weekend I was exploring embedding a whole deterministic password gen into urlpages so I could have a syncable password manager with little infrastructure but obviously I'd be trusting whoever syncs my bookmarks... Now I don't need to worry anymore!
Glad to hear you like URL Pages! Because neither this project, nor that one use any tracking or analytics, my only indications that people are using it are GitHub stars, GitHub insights (with information about repository views), and the occasional message I receive on my website. I have many planned improvements for it, and knowing that others continue to find it useful is a great motivator.
I'm always looking for additional feedback on all of my projects, so don't hesitate to reach out with any additional thoughts, whether positive or negative! Contact info can be found on my website about page: https://jstrieb.github.io/about
Unlike other private bookmarking tools, this runs entirely in the browser, so it can't track users. Also, it only needs a static web host in order to run, minimizing the amount of infrastructure I have to maintain, which increases the likelihood it will still be running a decade from now.
Please note: I am a college student, not a security professional. There are certainly best-practices I am not aware of, and this is my first foray into using encryption. I have done my best to balance user experience and security, but am always looking for feedback!
[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20317840