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As someone who's regularly on the receiving end of far-right anti-communist rhetoric that, in places I have lived, includes death threats and a reasonably credible suspicion government may soon want to arrest and disappear some people, I welcome some measure of hate speech suppression.

Before I hit submit, let me add a mandatory "burn, karma, burn" because I know what I'm stepping into.

Yeah, it's stunning that someone who's experienced motivated authoritarian repression is arguing in favor of the CCP's bullshit regime-preservation distortions on speech, thought and discourse.

You know who the global leaders of disappearing citizens they disagree with are?

Automated filters on a global communication platform instituted for bullshit, regime-appeasing reasons are not going to solve community-driven hate in localities.

Anyone motivated to hate you will invent as many slurs as they need. Warping our institutions to play whack-a-mole against bad actors is shooting ourselves in the foot.

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