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I suspect the formula is changing if only because the sheer volume of spammy type stuff skyrocketing to the top seems to have subsided.

There was a short run where a lot of nearly raw spam type posts were quickly rising to the top, and sticking a long time despite almost / all the comments being about how terrible the spam is.

That's why software should be open source.

Ironically the article about google censorship ended up discussing whether there is hn censorship or whether it just magic ranking.

With open source everybody could check whether there was censorship outside of any smart ranking algorithm.

No, you cannot open source a fraud prevention mechanism. You want to keep it secret.

So how do you cheat the bitcoin blockchain?

That sounds suspiciously like what used to be said of encryption.

If you have perfect fraud prevention rules that can't be gamed, then you can open-source them. It's just that nobody has ever found or invented them.

Encryption seems to be by design not able to be manipulated.

Not sure pagerank, moderation and similar systems have that built in.

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