2) I find the quality of writing in this article really amusing. Siegler's just repeating everything that Dorsey says. Posting screenies of Dorsey's tweets and removing all text would say the exact same thing.
What's interesting is how some of the decisions made in those first 8 days of coding haunted twitter's technical architecture for years (and in some instances still do).
1) I love first looks at Twitter, since it's got such an emergent, gee-why-didn't-I-think-of-that feel to it, but we already have some idea of what the creation of Twitter was like (http://www.vanityfair.com/business/features/2011/04/jack-dor...)
(Do remember that it took them 9 months to hit 100k accounts http://www.quora.com/Twitter-Growth-Traction/How-long-did-it..., and it was about a year before the SXSW that made them famous).
2) I find the quality of writing in this article really amusing. Siegler's just repeating everything that Dorsey says. Posting screenies of Dorsey's tweets and removing all text would say the exact same thing.