I'm a bit confused about how to install and run it (I'm pretty new to Clojure). Can you flesh out steps like "compile core.clj"?
I tried lein compile but that failed. I did lein jar instead. Then I did lein repl (didn't have a lein swank task), which downloaded some processing stuff and then gave me a reply. I tried running (start main), but it said it couldn't resolve the symbol start. Do I need to do something to include the jar?
a bit ago i started a javascript osc environment [1] for fun. a copy of touchosc, but in the browser and you can edit your controls live.
i didn't have any intentions to share it, but this seems to be an appropriate venue. it's not nearly as cool as anything else in the thread :). pretty proof of concept, but maybe will get some ideas going. the relevance is that it's easy to execute arbitrary code [2] to control any program that supports osc/midi.