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Having two good compliant compilers is great for C++ too: it keeps both compilers honest and also makes spotting weird behaviour easier in big codebases (i.e. to first order if your code results in different behaviour in GCC or Clang then it could be dangerous).

Also has the added benefit of reducing the need to use compilers like Intel's (not sure on current benchmarks) but I really wouldn't want to ship something for AMD CPUs with Intel's compiler.

Contrary to what gets discussed here, C++ has more than just two good compliant compilers.

https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support and embedded compilers, or more legacy like platforms aren't listed.

Besides GCC, Clang, and MSVC++, most other C++ compilers license the EDG frontend, so there's less heterogeneity than you would expect. I don't actually know if there's another implementation of C++11 besides the ones I listed. Even Microsoft now uses the EDG frontend for Intellisense, rather than their own (more incorrect) frontend.

It is still more than a gcc vs clang thing.

As in "Free" (One open source and GPL) compliant compilers.

Well that was missing.

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