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China asked the WHO to cover up coronavirus outbreak (taiwannews.com.tw)
13 points by ycombonator on May 10, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Anyone have recommendations for comprehensive and unbiased sources on China's response? While I trust Taiwan more than China I generally would not trust them on coverage of China to be without agenda.

That's a well-written article, but of course it's not unbiased, just differently biased. Two things that jumped out to me were choosing Kerala and Vietnam as examples for a rapid response internationally (coincidentally both of them ruled by Communist Parties) and omitting the suppression of Ai Fen's interview in Renwu from the description of the treatment she received after she "raised issues outside the channels for reporting such information". It's nice that there are still people trying to prove that Communism is the better system, but it's not exactly confidence-inspiring when they feel the need to resort to selective reporting to bolster their case.

“ During a conversation on Jan. 21, Xi reportedly asked Tedros not to announce that the virus could be transmitted between humans and to delay any declaration of a coronavirus pandemic.”

Didn’t China tell everyone there was human to human transmission on January 22?

WHO's piece on their visit to Wuhan and saying that human-to-human transmission is likely taking place, dated 22nd January:


Whatever Xi Jinping might have discussed with WHO's head on the 21st it made no difference to anything and is spun for political purposes.

As for declaring a "pandemic", well the definition of the term requires global spread of infections, so this is something that should become self-apparent and that cannot be hidden.

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