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Very unfortunate. Besides its main purpose, Keybase has been my chat app of choice for quite a while, after I decided I could no longer put up with Signal's general crappiness.

Keybase has been one of the very few performant and usable "new-style" applications that I've used -and the only one of its kind.

Sadly I am forced to suffer electron-based vomit every day -between Skype, Teams, Whatsapp, Hangouts, Facebook messenger and whatever else I might be fortunate enough to be forgetting. It sucks that I might have to be on the lookout for a decent encrypted chat application that I don't actually hate, again.

Not sure why the use-case of chat communications has been afflicted by so much crappiness -as if it's a curse.

The Keybase app is also written in Electron.

I know, that's why I was surprised it managed to somehow not suffer from the same performance and functionality problems that I observe on the rest I mentioned.

I didn't say that all electron apps have to suffer, at the same time it seems to me that there is a strong correlation.

I suspect it might be because most Keybase users don't receive data on the Keybase app on the same scale as how they might on Slack etc.

I was using Signal before Keybase for exactly the same volume of chats and the difference in performance (search, input lag, displaying lag) was huge.

Once Skype was rewritten as an Electron app, I noticed the same performance issues. MS Teams at work, same.

This on very decent computers.

I really feel there has to be something that Keybase does differently on the front-end.

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