>In our dashboard you will find pre-configured Open Source apps like WordPress, Plone and other. They are all based on the official docker images and can be deployed with just one click.
They had to write an installer ecosystem around installing docker images, whereas with PHP and most stock server configs you can SSH a file into a server and you're pretty much done.
Still if I want to write a simple web app in < 1 day, I would definitely use PHP.
In such a manual workflow ("you can SSH a file into a server"), you still have to setup at least URL rewriting in nginx for any PHP app using routing (which is basically everything using any PHP framework or micro-framework).
Plus if the deployed app has its own domain/subdomain, you need to set that up, set up TLS certs etc., so it is really no different in the end. You either configure nginx to proxy all requests for some domain to an index.php file, or you proxy them to a locally running container (where you also don't have to worry about versions of software installed on that server, clashes between different apps, etc.).
Commercial PHP webhosts also have an "installer" for automating all of this, provisioning databases, etc.
A lot of this can also be automated by various Kubernetes controllers (DNS configuration, TLS cert provisioning, databases, volumes, backups, monitoring etc.) if you already have a cluster. And for packaging installable apps, there is Helm and its charts (e.g. https://hub.helm.sh/charts/bitnami/ghost), you can also manage them from a GUI dashboard (https://kubeapps.com/) or even from a git repo (https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/) if you want to have a repeatable history of all changes to the environment, updates, etc.
Literally, just start `docker run` with a proper restart policy, set up a proxy_pass on nginx and you're good to go (unless the app requires external services, databases, etc., but you have the same problem with PHP).
Plus you don't have to worry about things like "do I have the correct PHP version for all my apps?" or "do I have the necessary PHP extensions installed in the system-global PHP?
>And surely you must be joking when comparing Kubernetes' complex configuration to anything else.
Setting up a Kubernetes cluster is indeed complex. Installing apps into an already configured cluster (e.g. ordered as a service from someone) is not (unless the app itself is complex of course).
I was comparing it to the automation tools that "traditional" webhosts have for installing and managing application deployment, replying to a comment above ("They had to write an installer ecosystem..."). If you just want to have one VPS with nginx on port 80/443 and run apps there, you don't need any of that stuff. The container images are the same either way.
>In our dashboard you will find pre-configured Open Source apps like WordPress, Plone and other. They are all based on the official docker images and can be deployed with just one click.
Otherwise I don't see how something like this is that much more difficult https://www.openshift.com/blog/deploying-applications-from-i...
Or this https://kb.sloppy.io/en/articles/1313693-setting-up-mongodb-...