He's a guy who contributed greatly to the HN community. His blog posts have consistently been featured on HN, but even more so lately since he "retired" from HN and isn't doing nearly as much posting here.
Further, there are other people who's every bog post makes front page here. It's how we roll. Stick around for a couple months, and you'll see it. There are also cycles and waves of people, topics, etc.
He was a well respected member of the community who commented a ton (he's still 3rd in karma: http://news.ycombinator.com/leaders) but decided to step away. That's part of it. The other part is that his blog posts are often interesting, insightful, and useful.
sophacles and pmjordan had already given enough info on Jacques. One thing I can say about his posts (having recently posted a couple of them to HN myself) is that they are simple, clear and thoughtful and very much in line with the wavelength of people here at HN.