> Not only is it (very!) easy to overfit backtests (especially with so little data they are using here), but backtests are nothing like the real world.
I know this, and I ran a company where people should know this, but so many people are so easily swayed by "authority"
like, so and so made trading programs for Investment Bank Co 20 years ago so you know their trading algorithm has to have merit
uh no, they are not retired, they are broke and can't even fund $10k into a trading account to try it
at this point all I would say is just smile and nod.
I know this, and I ran a company where people should know this, but so many people are so easily swayed by "authority"
like, so and so made trading programs for Investment Bank Co 20 years ago so you know their trading algorithm has to have merit
uh no, they are not retired, they are broke and can't even fund $10k into a trading account to try it
at this point all I would say is just smile and nod.