Indeed. And additionally Amazon is absolutely terrible when it comes to shopping for specific product categories where details matter. Bike components are a classic example. In Germany you'll find a much larger product selection (with unquestionable origins) and better prices at specialised shops like Rose Bikes or Bike Components.
Meanwhile Amazon's listings for the same products with specific attributes are a giant mess - it's basically wild west since any seller can contribute to the product listing resulting in inconsistent attributes, unknown product versions and often multiple listings for the same or slightly different article. This also applies to other categories like outdoor clothing or audio equipment. For most product categories there are better options available.
And don't get me wrong - I'm a happy Amazon prime subscriber and enjoy their almost flawless fulfilling process, but these days I seem to only use Amazon for inexpensive, general, everyday items.
Their search system is so abysmally bad - it's absolutely staggering how they can sell AI tech on AWS and keep looking in the mirror ... (don't know if they do that, though)
Meanwhile Amazon's listings for the same products with specific attributes are a giant mess - it's basically wild west since any seller can contribute to the product listing resulting in inconsistent attributes, unknown product versions and often multiple listings for the same or slightly different article. This also applies to other categories like outdoor clothing or audio equipment. For most product categories there are better options available.
And don't get me wrong - I'm a happy Amazon prime subscriber and enjoy their almost flawless fulfilling process, but these days I seem to only use Amazon for inexpensive, general, everyday items.