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Step 1: Live somewhere where online shopping other than with Amazon actually works.

(You can think what you want about Amazon, but it's a remarkably provincial piece.)

It's a piece in a UK newspaper: obviously they're going to focus on the situation for most of their readers and the options that somebody in the UK might have for online shopping. It's not trying to be a survey of the whole global online shopping market or a resource for people in Brazil or Turkey, and frankly it would be an entirely different and much less useful article if it attempted that.

> much less useful

depends on who you are. If you live in the UK, sure. If you live anywhere else, this article is not very useful.

I think an attempt at a world-spanning set of recommendations would have been spread so thinly as to be useless for everybody, even if in theory it covered their region. I think it's better to have an article that picks a country/region to focus on and does that in depth. Some other journalists/newspapers can handle doing similar articles for the US, Japan, Germany, etc, and as local journos they'll have more experience of what they're writing about and a wider array of contacts to get good suggestions from.

The "definitive guide" title is an exaggeration, but the article mentions U.S. alternatives like Target and Sephora.

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