Now that we have a volunteer army, there are differences between how the wars of today are fought compared to the Viet Nam war. The Viet Nam war had literally an order of magnitude more deaths than our current wars. Having a volunteer force means the soldiers have to treated better and paid more than a draftee. These wars have been a waste of lives and money but things would have been much worse if there were millions of draftees serving in the middle east and Afghanistan. Having a volunteer force in the 1960s would have meant that if the Viet Nam war would have been fought, there would have been with a lot more concern for the loss of life of the solders - it likely wouldn't have been fought anything like it was fought.
The USA should use this opportunity to step back and re-think whether registering for the draft is needed in this age. The whole draft registration program is simply a waste of millions of dollars a year.
The USA should use this opportunity to step back and re-think whether registering for the draft is needed in this age. The whole draft registration program is simply a waste of millions of dollars a year.