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They've fallen behind in testing capacity, like many others. You have to go by hospitalizations and confirmed deaths because those are the only stats likely not to be underreported too badly.

Exactly, look at the logarithmic curve of deaths and you see a clear flattening so no "exponential growth" as you where saying.

15% of deaths happened in the past 24 hours, that's not a flattening of the curve

Maybe you're being fooled by the lack of reported deaths in the weekends in Sweden? It does mess up the curve quite a bit. But it's been like that every weekend if you look at daily deaths. And it makes the log graph look less exponential than it is

Also the log graph is a day behind the reported numbers, so tomorrow you'll see a sharp rise as they're at 1200 deaths now, making it clear that it's indeed exponential

So last tuesday they reported 114 deaths yesterday they reported 114 deaths. You can't be seriously looking at the bar graph of daily deaths and see an exponential growth. If anything it seems to have stagnated. Yes we underreport during the weekend and overreport the first days after the weekend and monday was a holiday for us. But it is clear as day if you look at the logarithmic chart over deaths that our growth is slowing.

Similar cherry-picking leads to: Last wednesday 96 deaths happened, which was around 15% of total deaths at the time. And this wednesday 170 is reported, which is around 15% of total deaths now. That's exponential growth

You are right though, given the numbers there's decent likelihood that it's stagnating. But there's also a decent risk that it's still exponential

Again, 3 day weekend...

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