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I tried to zoom out immediately and it felt constraining that it kept reverting to a zoom level. Let me zoom to the limits! Maybe then I'll buy a skyscraper "over there."


"I wish more websites would design with the disabled in mind. Sometimes 'features' actually are impediments to those with low vision, e.g. blocking screen readers, the ability to zoom in closely, etc."

Same points and less abrasive.

but this version sounds not so great either (who cares what you wish?). Maybe something like "I might have bought a building if the site didn't break basic browser features like zoom,..."


Meta: his comment added more to the discussion than yours (or mine for that matter).

I understand your point, and apologize. I definitely could have put that less harshly.

I'm just so sick of modern sites being an absolute pain to use from an accessibility point of view. It makes life so much harder.

If it's any comfort, the EU accessibility directive might make things a little bit better. Where I work (a Danish university) developers are scrambling to make sure that every website is either made accessible in 2020 or marked as exempt (because it's old and unmaintained). At my old job no one gave a crap about accessibility, but I do think the directive will make it a much bigger deal in the future.

Obviously, this website is not part of the European public sector, but forcing so many European Web developers to research and implement accessible websites must have some spillover effects over time.

That is good news. Now just gotta wait for the rest of the world to catch up :)


You're doing the same thing as GP by being unnecessarily condescending.

I upvoted his comment because I agreed with what he said and downvoted yours because it seems petty and sanctimonious.

Idem here! It seems that we are being downvoted now

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