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After well over a decade of using vim and trying to use it as an IDE (which I did for a few years full time), I opted to use an actual IDE with a vim plugin instead. I currently use the Jetbrains tools which have an excellent vim plugin developed for them that is only annoying sometimes.

It supports macros, and as far as I can tell most of the actual navigation and text manipulation stuff works, even stuff that I didn't find in spacemacs. Even relative line numbers work which has been a godsend. I can navigate tabs using gt/gp, and split windows with :split/:vsplit, but I use the built in file search/navigator for opening files which is far superior to anything I managed to get set up in vim (and I played around a lot).

Then I have a simple .vimrc with only a handful of modifications (100 lines or so) and I drop down to real vim for writing small scripts, and any other text composition and refactoring, like comments on HN ;)

I hear VSCode has an excellent vim plugin, although having briefly played with VSCode a few months ago I don't think it's the tool for me. I'm happy with something heavyweight for developing projects, and something simpler for quick scripts, slack messages, etc.

YMMV of course but this was the route I ultimately ended up taking and I'm happy with my decision.

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