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More than AST manipulation (which is probably not a key element in Zygote), the most important aspect is Julia's multi-stage JIT compilation (which is actually an aggressive mixture of JIT and AoT). A Julia program has access to it's own compiler at runtime, which you can call to compile any program down to Julia's Intermediate Representation, which happens to be a Julia structure that you can freely manipulate just like the AST and Static Single Assignment making it already similar to an execution graph. Then the Zygote library traverses the structure systematically writing the backward pass as if it was part of the code in the first place (plus applying any kind of optimization), and finally compiles everything together down to machine code through the LLVM.

Since Python is not compiled like Julia, the approach usually involves using custom types that store a separate intermediate representation from python (a custom one or the MLIR for example) and overloading functions (and perhaps other more sophisticated ways of metaprogramming) to map all the required operations while interpreting the Python code before compiling. That's why Zygote says it works on Zygote unaware libraries, as it doesn't store the graph within any of the types or directly overload any of the methods (it does need to know how to reverse them though), and also why it can directly operate on control structures since they are part of the full IR even when you can't overload them.

And while Zygote aims to fully support the Julia language, they'll certainly work on getting the most important operations working well enough before focusing on the more complicated stuff like mutation.

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