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Run, test and make changes to flutter apps on iOS without owning a Mac yourself (codemagic.io)
4 points by codemagicio on April 7, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

A lot of work, magic and recurring money just to test your Flutter iOS app on a remote Mac in the cloud.

Not even this or Bitrise would be good enough for some large and small businesses and developers who would rather do this in-house. Can't have your source code, keys or iOS IPA's floating around a AWS bucket in the cloud for some attacker to steal and copy can you? I can't trust or rely too much on the cloud.

I'd rather do a one time purchase of at least a second-hand minimum supported MacBook to develop or a Mac mini / Mac Pro (Cylinder) to test and build in-house than a monthly subscription for the same machine.

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