Indeed. Even the GitHub repositories description has this error.
> Resolve DNS queries using the official link found on a topic's Wikipedia page
@aaronjanse: you probably want to correct this. "Resolving DNS records" carry a specific meaning in that you have a DNS record and you "resolve" it to a value, which actually. You're kind of doing, in a way, I suppose.
I was convinced when I started writing this comment that calling this "resolve dns queries" is wrong. But thinking about it, DNS resolving is not necessarily resolving a "name into a IP-address" as @HugoDaniel in the comment I'm replying to is saying (think CNAME records and all the others that don't have IP addresses). It's just taking something and making it into something else, traditionally over DNS servers. But I guess you could argue that this is resolving a name into a different name, that then gets resolved into a IP address. So it's like a overlay over DNS resolving.
Meh, in the end I'm torn. Anyone else wanna give it a shot?
I mean once we account for all the different types of DNS records - regardless of its original intent, isn't it essentially just a networked, hierarchical key store? For example the TXT field is "dns".
This project is still doing key -> value. It just fetches the value from Wikipedia first, much like your normal dns servers have to fetch non-cached keys from their sources (other dns servers normally)?
Just because it's doing key-value pairs does not mean it's DNS. If I can't `dig` it, it's not DNS. This is simply doing HTTP redirects and works with no other protocols.
Hm, there are plenty of DNS records (not to mention all the custom ones all around the world) that you won't be able to `dig` but most people would still call DNS.
One example: I can't seem to get dig to work with URI records (but I might be missing some flag). Doing `dig URI` returns "no servers could be reached" while doing `kdig URI` returns the proper records.
So seems to be a proper DNS record, but I can't make it work with dig.
Strange, but thanks for letting me know! I'm on my Ubuntu laptop now, so `DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.11-Ubuntu` and it works too! But initially tried on my Arch Linux desktop, where it didn't work, and I would expect my desktop to run a more recent version than my laptop. Very strange, will take another look.
Yeah, agree! I'd take it a step further and say it doesn't even have to be "networked" (in the technical sense) but could be local or even done person-to-person, which would also work albeit be slow.
Let's call that sneaksolving (from the infamous sneakernet/FloppyNet)
Arguably, the plugin and resolver "resolve" domains under the top-level domain idk. However, the primary service provided is not DNS (which is not offered at all via the plugin), but HTTP redirection. DNS, on the other hand, serves a variety of applications, not just HTTP clients.
I agree. DNS in conversation = K/V mapping pair for routing somewhere. TXT/MX/CNAME/A/WIKI etc. For the sake of this repo and what they're trying to get across this seems fair. I'm confused that I felt compelled to write this though.
If an analogy was needed with a network service perhaps this is more like a proxy redirector than DNS.
Keep in mind: with this you will still be misdirected if your DNS/hosts file is pointing the name into a different IP than it should be.