I wish I could upvote you 100. State machines are fine up to some number of states, on the order of 10. Beyond that, they become incredibly difficult to reason about in real programs because each state may have side effects with program state.
What ends up happening is that exceptional situations happen and the state machine becomes muddled with special cases. So for example, say you're writing a networked game of Tetris or Pacman, something with a relatively small state machine. You get all done but realize that you forgot to handle people joining or leaving the game, or the game closing or jumping ahead when a remote player beats the level and the game needs to go back to the title screen. The state machine starts getting all of these checks interspersed with the game logic.
Typically this doesn't happen with sync/blocking code though. You write an ordinary main loop, adding checks for these exceptional situations just like any other event you watch for. In my experience, the sync/blocking code is roughly an order of magnitude smaller and easier to reason about than a state machine. But more importantly, it can be scaled infinitely, because you can always add tracing or step through it in a debugger as you normally would. But a large state machine is just exactly what you described: a large switch command of gotos. You can't just look at it and know where the code came from or what conditions got it there. You have to derive that history by hand in your head.
And since async/await is more conceptually equivalent to a state machine than a coroutine or sync/blocking code, that severely limits how well we can reason about large promise chains. See my comment to jcranmer on this thread for a bit more insight about the internals of this:
> And since async/await is more conceptually equivalent to a state machine than a coroutine or sync/blocking code, that severely limits how well we can reason about large promise chains.
I have to disagree with that. You can implement async/await using state machines, just as you can implement a loop using goto, but it's a more constrained model that's much easier to reason about than a fully general state machine or a fully general coroutine. The control flow still proceeds the way you expect - you still execute code from top to bottom, you still return once from every function call - you just yield at some points in it. You're not interleaving your control flow with some other function that you communicate with (like a generator), and you're certainly not treating suspended control flow as something to be copied or passed around (like a coroutine). It's a much simpler concept.
What ends up happening is that exceptional situations happen and the state machine becomes muddled with special cases. So for example, say you're writing a networked game of Tetris or Pacman, something with a relatively small state machine. You get all done but realize that you forgot to handle people joining or leaving the game, or the game closing or jumping ahead when a remote player beats the level and the game needs to go back to the title screen. The state machine starts getting all of these checks interspersed with the game logic.
Typically this doesn't happen with sync/blocking code though. You write an ordinary main loop, adding checks for these exceptional situations just like any other event you watch for. In my experience, the sync/blocking code is roughly an order of magnitude smaller and easier to reason about than a state machine. But more importantly, it can be scaled infinitely, because you can always add tracing or step through it in a debugger as you normally would. But a large state machine is just exactly what you described: a large switch command of gotos. You can't just look at it and know where the code came from or what conditions got it there. You have to derive that history by hand in your head.
And since async/await is more conceptually equivalent to a state machine than a coroutine or sync/blocking code, that severely limits how well we can reason about large promise chains. See my comment to jcranmer on this thread for a bit more insight about the internals of this: