Millions of people have recently lost their jobs and it's only just begun. A company will lay off its newest employees, its contingent workforce or large swathes of its blue collar workforce first. We're seeing this first-hand. We help people with criminal records find jobs, and we've have wholesale layoffs of people we've placed through our staffing business.
For them, a job isn't merely a means for providing a roof over their families' heads or putting food on the table. Unemployment correlates directly with recidivism. If our people don't have a job, they will almost certainly be rearrested, thereby perpetuating the insidious cycle that destroys lives, families and communities. Every day they're on the street without a job, they're at risk.
The irony is that these folks actually are wonderful employees (per recent SHRM study). They're "as good as if not better" than people without records, and their retention is better, because having fewer options, they reward their employers with a great work ethic that inspires the rest of the workforce. These people are, truly, heroic.
So if you can use people to work in your factories or warehouses, in your food service or deliveries, in maintenance or call centers, I've got 11 million + incredible people nationwide I'd like you to meet. We screen each candidate to ensure they conform to your internal hiring parameters.
And we'll work cheap, just so we can break even. My team and I can't bear the thought of these people working so hard to build a new, productive life after what they've been through, only to see things go to hell for a situation completely out of their control.
And if you are connected to large employers who are hiring, I'd very much appreciate that introduction. I promise you that you'll love the feeling of helping people who desperately need your help right now. Thanks for reading.