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A link to a PDF of a research document with an obtuse abstract, versus a quick, readable summary published on one of the industry's leading tech publications?

I'll take the latter, thank you.

> industry's leading tech publications

I hope you're joking. Sometimes, sure, they're good. But that article is ... I'll hold my tongue. They're making it out to be some amazing feat. While I don't want to take away from the authors who I'm sure are great researchers, this is nothing new. And then there's the part where they suggest RSA fix it, and that's just something else.

It is one of the industry's leading tech publications: http://www.techmeme.com/lb ... though I do agree, this article is pretty crappy, as some others have pointed out.

I mostly just disagree with the parent's assertion that a short summary of a research paper posted on a major publication qualifies as "blog spam" or that the original poster had some kind of obligation to track down the source paper. Sometimes a tl;dr version is just what the doctor ordered.

Well, suit yourself. I'll take the former.

Hopefully RSA will publish their own summary of this attack ;)

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