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I've been bitten by elasticsearch twice in my career, and I've seen others bitten by it as well. Once you put it in production, you can't just run it from docker on your workstation. You have to set up a cluster with enough capacity for whatever load you're going to throw at it, gracefully handle failures, updates, scaling up as load increases, etc.

There are so many switches and dials to tune, and unless you really learn it in depth, you won't know which ones you need. It's difficult to even determine what hardware requirements you have. And it's a hard sell to tell your business guys "I think elasticsearch will work better if we give it more... CPU? Memory? Disk speed? I'm not really sure." and can't provide any concrete metrics to back that up.

Another place where footguns abound is upgrading from one version to another, especially if you've got plugins installed. There are tricks that you have to learn the hard way.

At this point, I think long and hard before reaching for a solution like elasticsearch. If I've got a DBA whose entire job it is to master the tech and wield it expertly, that's one thing. But if I'm part of an early stage startup, I just can't justify the lost time and potential for catastrophe.

> Once you put it in production, you can't just run it from docker on your workstation.

But that's true for any data store. This isn't any different. Nor is an RDBMS. They all need HA/replication. And that is rarely trivial.

Honestly, I think this is why managed/hosted solutions (AWS RDS for example) are so popular - they remove a large part of the complexity for you.

Not all data stores. You can go quite far with an out of the box Redis instance or even PostgreSQL. No fiddling needed unless you are in triple digit QPS ranges.

I once wasted a whole day trying to get two instances up on GKE. Permissions problems, about ten configs for the JVM alone, many more for ElasticSearch. You would fix one, restart, wait ten minutes, browse 50 pages of logs, google for half an hour, add a config, and goto 1. Never got it going in the end.

My experience is roughly the same, unfortunately.

Personally I don't understand why there are so few search libraries/systems to choose from, given that "search" is one of the fundamental pillars of CS.

Just been bitten by the plugin issue after an apt upgrade.

First time it happened for me and I was pretty angry at it

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