The only good thing that can come out of this COVID-19 situation is that people will understand the importance of universal health care here in the US.
Scenario 1: I get laid off, I lose insurance for me and my family, I have to figure out how to find a new coverage, maybe COBRA, pay for it out of my pocket, and eventually try finding a new job. Ah, in case I get the virus and I’ll need to be hospitalized good luck paying the bill...
Scenario 2: I get laid off, I can focus on finding a new job without extra expenses. I get the virus, I go to the hospital and get treated, no bills.
This seems a no brainer to me. Am I missing something?
Disclaimer: European living in the US
In my opinion, universal health care will do more to help the economy than any stimulus package ever could. If people aren't spending so much on healthcare, they will spend it elsewhere. That being said, we will still pay, just through taxes instead of direct costs. Hopefully the system will be made more efficient so that costs decrease from what they are now.