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- In google maps the default colours blend in to each other, especially things like tracks that you are likely to try to look at in the outdoors in sunlight. Rediculous!

- Any time you break the visual/categorical heirarchy of a list of options. For instance, related items appearing in different categories due to a technical similarity to other features that are not known to the user. What?

- Animated slideouts that are too resource intensive/slow or that dont work at the desired zoom level. Come on!

- Uninformative lockups/freezouts when something is loading. It should tell you what is happening. Huh?

- Opaque screens that say things like "Updating..." with no way to know if things have stalled or any way to see whats really going on. Grrr.

- Frequently used option should be available in one click/tap, often times these arent able to be mapped to another option and are buried in contextual menus! Nooo!

Also: In web apps for thing like email much of the precious screen real estate is taken up with margins and titles (for aesthetic reasons?) and there is usually no way to change to single line mode, necessitating scrolling.

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