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I'm the developer of Clarity (clarity-app.com), a Facebook Client for the Mac and I've had a similar experience. Here's another couple of things that are weird.

- you can't like pictures or even see likes for pictures

- you can't post on your wall if the attached image is located in your fcebook album: so if you want to post an image you have to upload it somewhere else.

- you can't rename friend lists

- lots of things are inaccessible if your friends have strict security settings (like their birthday, or their name)

- as outlined in the article: the notification data structure is a train wreck

- you can't approve friend requests

- some parts of the API are not documented at all, like the 'attachment' field on the posts table: it contains a dictionary, but in order to understand the keys and values you have to read the raw data from lots of posts, and even then you never know if one future entry breaks your app.

- and much more

One problem I had was that users expected much of this to work because it works on the Facebook iPhone app too. But that one is official and does not need to use the limited app API.

Great list of additional restrictions/shortcomings. I forgot to mention that you can't post a photo that is hosted on the Facebook CDN - that is really annoying.

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