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With BeyondCorp, the production network you access does host all of the critical jobs including search. But of course you only get to manipulate these jobs in an approved way, e.g. using an RPC to bring up or bring down a job. Interacting with jobs by sending them RPCs requires ACLs naturally.

You don't get direct SSH access to production machines or any other lower level network access like packet sniffing on the production network.

A key reason why BeyondCorp actually works is hardly anybody needs to SSH to prod, and people who do need it, need it rarely. Everything at Google has rich RPC control surfaces and the tools are installed on users' workstations to invoke the RPCs. Status of everything is available via HTTP, in your browser. No need to SSH to a server to read logs or restart a process. Need to collect hardware PMU counters in prod? There's an RPC service for that. Not only do these rich interfaces enable BeyondCorp, they also cut down on insider risk because it's no longer considered "normal" to get an interactive shell session in production.

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