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There is one network entry point per deployment of our app infrastructure (eg. US and EU deploys), so the lambda does go and update both security groups simultaneously to allow the requestor's IP to hit either if they would like. If you wanted to, you could certainly make it more fine-grained than that, but the goal was simply to cut off the majority of the Internet from these mechanisms as an extra protection layer. There are all the other protection mechanisms (e.g. the mutual certs) to actually protect and authenticate the connection itself.

For web apps, we simply front using an OAuth2-aware proxy. Back in the day, we used this: https://mattslifebytes.com/2018/08/07/protecting-internal-ap... Now, we utilize Kubernetes for hosting most production internal apps, so we run the oauth2-proxy Helm chart (https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/oauth2-pro...) to handle verification of identity before sending traffic back to its destination service. Conceptually similar, as auth has to be completed before the request is sent to the back-end.

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