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Clojure is a FP (Lisp) language based on RMDB theory, which is very suitable for dataflow and data-driven programming, so it is suitable for large-scale industrialized pipeline software development using Warehouse/Workshop Model model.


In the last ~18 months you have been /very/ energetic in promoting your theory here, I have some alerts since about a year and you are always popping up with the same link. Looking into your posting and commenting activity, there not much more.

By now I guess that you have had enough exposure, but most of your comments and links to github have not sparkled a lot of interest or comment, and reception has been skeptical / lukewarm.

Take this as just one datapoint but for me your insistent reposting is more noise than any other thing. If you really care about your theory that is cool and all, but may I suggest that you create something like some practical application examples in blog form, edit them thoroughly, and then post them as new topics, intead of polluting "related" conversations? That way you can better gauge what interests this community, and what not.

By the way interleaving english and chinese such as in your repo README.md makes for an unpleasant read - better to separate both in two distinct documents.

Best luck!

I noticed that you have not posted any useful technical comments in the last 100+ days. Sorry I didn't keep reading.

In fact, this theory has been unprecedentedly hot recently. Star and traffic on github have risen sharply. On 2020-02-27, it was published by editor on reddit/devopsish, and other clojure communities.

My theory is written for a few people who understand Chapter 2 of the "Code Complete" and can read it without reading other chapters, not for people who cannot understand Chapter 2 and focus on other chapters.

So I have stated in the article: I will not write too many application examples or patterns. Because people who like to read such articles can't learn my theory.Because they lack imagination.


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere.

        ---- Albert Einstein

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