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> but it seems like something that should be contextual

That's exactly what Clojure does. It makes immutability the default, but offer tons of mutable options with varying degree of contextual restraints for performance.

For example, by default your data-structures and record types are immutable. Now, say you can tolerate some mutability within a local context, you can make your immutable data-structures temporarily mutable (called transients), apply mutation for performance in the local context, and make it immutable again once done.

Another example is, by default, Global Variables are immutable and can't have their value changed, but, you can have them have per-thread local values, which are then allowed to be modified, since they're concurrently safe.

Another example is local variables are also immutable by default, and so are data-structures, but if you need to mutate the variable, you can make it `atomic` or `volatile` depending on the level of guarantees you need around concurrent access. Now you'll be able to change their values, for the former, using an atomic eventually consistent swap and set algorithm, and for the latter, with CPU cache synchronization.

There's more, but basically, the idea is to start with the safest default, and for every new level of: "I need a bit more performance or flexibility", there is an additional construct that can be used to enable it. All the way down to full blown mutable variables and data-structures when absolute performance is required.

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