#1 regret (which I will probably make up, job quitting possibilities) - Not going abroad - Doesn't necessarily mean studying abroad but traveling for month+ outside your home country during inter-school summer vacations
Oops, I meant to give this a +1 and hit the down vote, but it is definitely the most rewarding experience I had until I joined a startup. Travel gives you perspective. Also, spend time making friends with people in many other majors, the wider your horizons the more interesting things become.
Working on the assumption that more than one person probably voted it up in order to compensate for the previous downvote, I voted it down. I'm sure it will all work out just fine in the end.
I come from Hong Kong (luckily not too damaged by deafeningly unindividualistic culture) - and spent the two years before college in Norway (http://www.uwc.org). Also quite constrained by financial difficulties.
Re: fear and finances, this presentation from Ignite Portland might alter your thinking: "Once upon a time, in the midst of war, I went to Afghanistan with one hundred dollars to my name, a one-way airplane ticket and no promise of a job." [http://is.gd/Bvc]
I would recommend doing what you fear. Growth comes from pushing yourself. As a contrived example, if talking to beautiful women scares you.. talk to strangers in controlled situations (art galleries, sporting events). One of the best ways to meet people is where you have continuity - e.g. you see them regularly. Some of the most interesting people I know are interesting because they know people of all interests, vertical groups. Join groups that you have an interest in but are not already skilled in. True networkers connect people who might never meet together.
Sometimes a personality test can help you learn more about who you are. People like to give advice but sometimes don't because it might offend inadvertently.. perhaps you can talk to someone who is known you for a long time and ask them for advice? This one linked below is expensive but better than the Myers-Brigg test.