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Even in the browser itself, there's a clear delineation between the set of components that change quickly, and the set of components that change slowly—a factoring of layers calling out to be done, that everyone is ignoring. There's no reason for a whole new web browser to be shipped if only the quickly-changing part has changed.

Analogy: why would you ship a new copy of X/Wayland just because your Desktop Environment has a new release? The new DE version uses the same old compositor, because the compositor doesn't change much. So why would it make sense for a compositor to be part of the DE and embedded in the release package for the DE, rather than just requesting the OS to make available to it the services of a compositor of a specific [ABI protocol] version? Even if the compositor and the DE have the same maintainers, it'd make far more sense for them to be two separate projects, with one just depending on the other.

Or, to put this another way: why should ChromeOS devices (= another build target of the Chromium codebase) replace the whole OS image every time some new namespaced CSS layout rule is being incubated? That stuff has nothing to do with running an OS. The parts of Chrome that are an OS—which includes a lot of the stuff that gets installed as "browser" on other OSes!—should really live as OS services, separate from "the browser" (really just the renderer + VM.)

Microsoft took a while but eventually learned their lesson about this, and these days Edge is just an app and updating it doesn't require a restart of your computer. Part of what enabled that was delineating the slower-moving parts of the browser (e.g. the network stack) from the faster-moving parts, and letting the slower-moving parts live in the OS while the faster-moving parts lived in the app. "Edge" is just a renderer+VM. So is Safari, for that matter—what you download when you download "Safari Technology Preview" on macOS is just a renderer+VM, which relies on the same OS-provided libraries for e.g. network caching that the system Safari installation does.

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