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I wish we had a step inbetween. Something more than "just a webview" but something less than, well, all of electron. Give me like a really cut down browser that's consistent across platforms and embed it.

It's a shame Sciter hasn't seen more adoption:


But a) it's a commercial product and b) uses it's own scripting language instead of JavaScript. But from some initial noodling around with it the browser engine is very capable and the footprint small.

Sciter's author here.

a) Is anyone brave here to finance transition of Sciter to OpenSource? Please contact me if yes.

b) Sciter's script is a JavaScript++:

It uses JS syntax and runtime like `arr.concat(a,b)`.

Grammar and syntax was extended to better support UI cases. Like `const width = 12px;` is valid construct as Sciter has Length data type.

React and JSX are implemented natively.

    function render() {
      return <p>{this.greeting}</p>;
is a valid construct as JSX (SSX in Sciter) is a part of script grammar : https://sciter.com/developers/sciter-docs/reactor-and-ssx/

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you that it’s an amazing scripting language. But I think one of the reasons Electron has been so popular is that web devs can take all the skills they already have, including JS, and make a native app. Learning a new language is a barrier to adoption, to hiring developers in the future, blah blah.

But I want to give you credit for an absolutely phenomenal project! If I had the cash lying around to finance it as an open source concern I would, but alas.

The weird language is the big turn-off for me, not the license. This is also a turn-off for Flutter and Lazarus.

WHY do these projects insist on doing this? What is it about UI that leads people to think this is a good idea? Do not make me learn yet another language just to use your UI library.

It's not that FreePascal or Dart are bad languages. It's that they're another language to consume yet more precious attention and head space, and there's nothing compelling enough about them vs. C++, Rust, Go, Python, JS/TypeScript, etc. to make it worthwhile.

You can use Sciter in C++, Rust, Go, Python, Delphi, C# and D projects : https://github.com/sciter-sdk

You can't write your GUI in those languages.

> You can't write your GUI in those languages.

What do you mean by "write GUI"?

If to declare DOM structure then HTML is for that.

If to initialize DOM structure from code at runtime then this (C++ here):

   use namespace sciter;

   element root = window.get_root();
   element div = element::create("div", L"Hello world");


Or do you mean something else?

Whoa... I didn't know it let you do that! In that case that's quite interesting. It opens the potential for using the web renderer but not having to code everything in JS.

"It opens the potential..."

Applications that use Sciter for their UI are native applications. Like Norton AntiVirus for example. Or any other app of these vendors: https://sciter.com/#customers

I've been looking at Dart lately and it seems like a pretty awesome language. A weird mashup of Java + JavaScript, but I agree its something else that has to be learned. I think flutter would probably have better adoption if they chose something more mainstream.

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