I agree that nowadays everything should be responsive, however I feel discarding someone else's effort when they are mentioning that the site is for desktop, is inconsiderate.
Also, if you're browsing sites which reach the front page of HN, the same way you visit other social sites, I think you're already in the wrong company.
Except that it means I have to look for a desktop computer to be able to see what the site was all about, not even switching mobile chrome into desktop mode helped to see what it was all about.
Given the amount of people whose main device is a tablet/mobile, a bit more of attention would be welcomed on a Website which is supposed to promote the Web design capabilities of the authors.
You didn't notice the behavior of the site. It doesn't allow you to browse it from a mobile device, not even when requesting desktop version. Perhaps faking agent would work, but I wouldn't be surprised if you'd have to spoof resolution/window size as well.
Also, if you're browsing sites which reach the front page of HN, the same way you visit other social sites, I think you're already in the wrong company.