Do you want to rise in the ranks? Learn to write well. Documentation, blogs, email memos, proposals, etc.—this is the evidence of accomplished seniority.
English might not be his first language. Not mine either, so I did not notice the bad grammar!
I have noticed in my own use of English language that after getting into a level where I get understood well enough in work situations and such, my language skills have started to stagnate. It does not help that even I use mostly English in my daily work, there are practically no native speakers around.
But I do agree communication skills being part of what is considered seniority. Also, being able to hold different viewpoints and communicate those to others could be considered part of being mature too.
English is my first language and I didn’t notice any off putting grammar errors.
That being said, especially for a non native speaker, I don’t judge their ability to communicate by their ability to write perfectly grammatically and idiomatically correct English. It’s whether they got their point across.
Do you want to rise in the ranks? Learn to write well. Documentation, blogs, email memos, proposals, etc.—this is the evidence of accomplished seniority.