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No problem! It’s fun! And a powerful conceptual tool. In my experience, it can be used to solve many thorny problems, and I never learned about it in school.

I had a typo in the last row, it should have been

> (“789 Orange St”, vp:(5/1/2020, +inf), tp:(7/1/2020, +inf))

my apologies!

- the valid period of the middle record is never closed, because it would be a misrepresentation of how the database’s perception of the address at that point in ”transaction time”.

- indeed, the superseded transaction period is closed.

- formally, transaction periods close (and new rows are created) whenever a column’s value changes. Think of it like an “updated at” time stamp, except the meaning is more like “canonical during”. The second half of your question is totally correct, the TP is the period during which the values representing the specified slice of valid time are/were believed.

As the third bullet point implies, one characteristic of this schema is that you have “non-destructive” updates: state is never lost, it’s just put into transaction history. This makes it possible to “roll back” to an earlier, known-good state: simply specify a point in transaction time.

There’s a whole additional rabbit hole to dive down: how to make this stuff fast and intuitive. People have mostly solved the fast part, but we’re still working on the intuition.

I meant to ask about the transaction period of the first row (my bad, "superseded" is ambiguous), but I think I get that one now: the transaction period is still open because we still believe (and probably will forever) that that's the correct validity period for that address. Is that right? And the validity period for the middle one never closes because there's never a time in that row's transaction period where we know the end of the validity period.

The intuition I'm building is that the validity period is metadata and the transaction period is metametadata. I think the similarity between them is a little deceptive, since the validity period is in some sense just another piece of data sort of controlled by (or interpreted in light of) the transaction period, which is itself a way to simulate versioning the whole database; I think of it like the internal representation for a database wrapper that lets you time travel in a database with a history-oblivious schema. In that vision, validity periods are actually part of the history-oblivious schema. You could totally have "transaction periods" for stuff with no concept of validity period, e.g. something timeless where our understanding evolves over time. If you're trying to teach people, I'd suggest introducing the two concepts independently, then showing the interplay with an example like the one you gave here.

I don't know if weird nested contexts can ever be really "intuitive". :D

For total ordering are you using an instant (with say seconds granularity) or an additional monotone id to distinguish between changes for the same day?

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